
Pokémon Showdown Trivia FAQ

Q: What the h*ck is this?
A: This is the Pokémon Showdown Trivia Room. Here we converse while participating in various Trivia games such as Trivia Tracker, Officials, Blitz, Duel and other minigames!

Q: What do triviasignups and triviastart mean?
A: These are buzzwords, also known as highlight phrases (hl phrases), to alert players to one of two events. “triviasignups” means that a new trivia official or minigame has been created and is in its signup phase. “triviastart” means that the trivia game is about to start. To avoid missing out, we recommend that you add “triviasignups” and “triviastart” to your highlights list:
/highlight add, trivia(signups|start)

Q: Ooh, there’s a new trivia official in signups mode! How do I join?
A: Type /trivia join in the chat.

Q: Oops, I joined this trivia official, but now I want to drop out of it. How can I leave the game?
A: You can do /trivia leave to leave the game. You will not be penalized for leaving.

Q: I know the answer, but I’m not participating in the current official. What do I do?
A: Nothing. We don’t like it when users leak the answer to the chat. The only way to submit an answer to a trivia question is to be a participant in the current game, and use the /ta command.

Q: How many points do I have in the current official?
A: Type /trivia to view your current score.

Q: What’s my official leaderboard score?
A: Type /trivia rank to view your leaderboard score, as well as other information. If you type /trivia rank [username], you can get the same information for [username], where [username] is another player on the Trivia Leaderboard.

Q: What’s the category of the current game?
A: That information is displayed via /trivia.

Pensive Hatmor