
Trivia Tracker (TT) is the most commonly played game in the Trivia room. In it, users ask each other questions and aim to get to the top of the leaderboard by asking and answering the most questions. To start playing, all you have to do is answer questions in chat.

If you get a question correct, you will get a point and receive BP (meaning it is your turn to ask a question). You will have five minutes to come up with a question to ask, that follows these general guidelines:

Our official question rules are more complicated than this, but use the simplified guidelines to start out and ask a Trivia auth if your question is valid when in doubt.

When you have come up with a question, ask it by sending it as bold text. This is done by putting **two asterisks on each side of your question**. Then, when someone says the answer, use the ~yes command to let Jeopard-E know. And there it is, you’ve asked your first question! Asking a question will also earn you a point (or two if you claimed BP).

TT Intro 1

If you don’t want to ask a question, you can forfeit your chance to ask (and the points you would gain from asking) by using ~bpopen and others will be allowed to claim the chance to ask. While we prefer asking questions to opening BP, you are never required to ask a question and are always free to open BP.

TT Intro 2