Team Traitor
Created by Bunguin87 and PikachuSean
- Users can join the game during signups by typing
/me in
in chat. - The host divides the players into two teams.
- At the start of each round, two players from each team are chosen.
- The players can be chosen in the following ways:
- There is 1 volunteer, which is decided by an easy toss-up question by the host. If you are the first of your teammates to correctly answer, you get to participate in the round.
- Players are chosen at random.
- During the round, the host asks a question. Only the four selected players, two from each team, are allowed to answer.
- The teammate of the player who first answers the question correctly is sent to the other team.
- If the game goes on for too long, more people may be sent up each round instead, where all players who fail to answer the question correctly are moved.
- When one team has one player remaining, both teams send up one player. The lone survivor wins the minigame if they answer the question correctly first. If the other team answers correctly first, the player who answers changes teams and the game continues.
- Groupchats for each team can be created with
. - Signups are started with
~plmax [desired number of players]
. - A player can be added manually with
~pladd [user]
and can be removed with~plremove [user]
. - All remaining players can be seen using
. - Players can be randomly picked with
. - Once the minigame is over,
is used to clear the player list.