A regular user may be given the privileges to host minigames by demonstrating a clear understanding of Trivia Tracker rules as well as minigames. They must also prove themselves trustworthy and responsible.
As a regular user host, they must ask a staff member to supervise a minigame host, provided it is at an appropriate time.
The ability to host minigames may be taken away by auth if we feel that there are problems with hosts, either with abusing voice powers or not demonstrating a suitable level of host quality.
Regular user host frequency will be kept to one host per week.
If you would like to host a minigame, submit the following to an auth (preferably through an unlisted pastebin):
Your PS name
Which minigame you plan to host, and the time and date you plan to host it
Why you should host
A varied set of questions that you plan to use in your host. This should include questions from the four major categories (AE, Poke, SG, SH).
Note that the auth you submit this to will not be immediately approving or rejecting it, rather it will be discussed with the rest of the auth. As such, your host may take around a day to be approved.
Subcategory Official Submissions
Subcategory officials are officials that consist of 25 questions and are based on a very specific topic announced prior to the start of the official.
Anyone with Question Workshop voice can submit subcategory officials by simply submitting a Google Doc or Pastebin of a topic with 25 questions to a Question Workshop staff member. You can also collaborate with a Question Workshop staff member if you are not a Question Workshop voice.
Regular users may be temporarily promoted to Room Voice to host (i.e., use commands to create and run) their subcategory officials.
Minigame Submissions
Any user can submit a minigame!
Create a Google Doc or PDF explaining your minigame or idea, and make your document available to public.
Submit your minigame to an auth for us to consider it.